Thursday 2 July 2015

Networking Tips for Online Students If you’re taking classes for your online MBA, you may think you have no room for networking. The truth is that networking is just as important and just as available to you, even if you don’t have the traditional classroom to make connections. Here are five ways to network, especially if you’re in school online. e-commerce Image via Flickr by ganderssen1 Meet People in Person There’s no rule that says your interactions have to stay online. Whenever possible, arrange a face-to-meeting with a professor or a classmate. When campuses have brick-and-mortar buildings, experts say online students should visit the campus. Introduce yourself to other students taking in-person classes, or connect with others who are taking the course online. If the campus doesn’t have a location in your area, reach out to classmates to see if anyone lives near you to meet for coffee or to study. Join Campus Activities If your campus has a presence in your city, join campus activities when possible to get to know other students. If there are no restrictions on doing so, join clubs and professional organizations related to your field of interest. You may also be able to take advantage of programs such as studying abroad or mentorship opportunities. You can also take part in social activities, such as sporting events, pep rallies, and community service. Participate in Online Classroom Forums Online classes typically have chat rooms or web communities for assignments and projects. Make sure that you post answers to questions and start a few discussions of your own. Create a voice and personality, as much as you can, among your classmates. Don’t be combative or argumentative, but bring thoughtful ideas to discussions. Some assignments may call for group participation. If you regularly post valuable information, your classmates will remember and will want you to be on their team. Join Professional Social Networks Online Is your LinkedIn page up to date? If you want to have a solid online presence, it should be. Experts suggest that, as you complete your degree, you follow your dream company or dream job on LinkedIn. The job descriptions of the ideal candidate will tell you exactly what the company is looking for, and you’ll have access to the company’s contact information. Always add new skills and experience to your profile. Make sure your email signature includes a link to your LinkedIn page as well so classmates and colleagues can keep in touch after you’re done with your degree. Join Professional Networks in Person Find in-person groups of people to meet who have similar interests. Maybe you don’t have a campus location near you, but you can probably find other people in your area who are also pursuing online degrees. Maybe you can find a professional organization in your city that is related to your field. You can join these groups even if you haven’t yet finished your degree. Such memberships are helpful in order to learn from other professionals and be part of a network through which you can find out what jobs are available locally. This type of networking will strengthen your chances of finding a job. Networking is an essential part of everybody’s educational path — even when you’re in school online.

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